27 - Морско биоразнообразие


For the moment, marine biodiversity is more endangered by overfishing than by climate change or acidification. But in the long term, these two phenomena will considerably increase their pressure. The FAO estimates that between 660 and 820 million people worldwide, about 10% of the world's population, are directly or indirectly dependent on fisheries and aquaculture.


Морско биоразнообразие

Морско биоразнообразие


Морско биоразнообразие

Yes, because of fishing.

Друга възможни причини

Морско биоразнообразие

There's probably some sort of link here...

Морско биоразнообразие

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Морско биоразнообразие

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Морско биоразнообразие

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