40 - Bewaffnete Konflikte

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This card is intended to be placed last, as the text suggests. It can already be said that climate change has been one of the causes of some conflicts, such as in Rwanda or Syria. In a world that is suffering from all the consequences described in the game, it is hard to imagine that armed conflicts can be avoided. In 2007, when the IPCC was awarded the Nobel Prize, it was the Nobel Peace Prize. And there are very good reasons for that.


Bewaffnete Konflikte

Bewaffnete Konflikte


Bewaffnete Konflikte


Bewaffnete Konflikte

A bullet is not good for health


Bewaffnete Konflikte

Andere mögliche Ursache

Bewaffnete Konflikte

Although conflicts may occur because of resources, they are not directly caused by climate change, rather by resource depletion or scarcity. The relationship can be made, but it is due more to politics than to the climate crisis.

Andere möglichen Auswirkungen

Bewaffnete Konflikte

It's the final loop of the Club of Rome. All this will eventually regulate itself, but not necessarily peacefully. The players often make this link and sometimes propose to roll up the Fresk to connect the beginning and ending edges. Moreover, it is noteworthy that humankind appears in the first and last cards, but not in the middle of the Fresk.

Bewaffnete Konflikte

Conflicts are often linked to fossil fuels, but the link is more the other way round.