22 - Havnivåstigning

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Havnivået har steget med 20 cm siden 1900 og vil fortsette å stige i tusenvis av år. Det er stor usikkerhet rundt enkelte fysiske prosesser som iskappenes ustabilitet, spesielt i Antarktis. I den sjette rapporten la IPCC til en stiplet kurve for å vise havnivåstigningen når man tar hensyn til disse prosessene. Selv om de ikke er sannsynlige, er det ikke mulig å utelukke disse scenariene[1].

  1. AR6 WG1 Box TS.4 p45 (p77) // AR6 WG1 Box TS.4, Figure 1 p46 (p78)_ ↩︎



A melting of 100 gigatons of ice per year is equivalent to about 0.28 mm per year of mean sea level rise. Thus, 15 to 35% of sea level rise is linked to the melting of glaciers, according the IPCC scenarios. 30% to 35% is linked to the expansion of water. The remainder is linked to the melting of the ice caps.





Wrong causes


This it the trap in which participants can fall while playing with cards set n1. Therefore, do not ask them to read the cards from the beginning. Once they have put them in place, ask them to read the texts.


No, more rain is not going to cause the oceans to overflow! This is a rare mistake to be made, but if it happens to you, ask the players where rainclouds come from...