28 - Sykdomsvektorer
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Problemet er ikke så mye spredningen av sykdomsvektorer som deres forflytning. Dette kortet kommer ideelt etter kortet "Biologisk mangfold på land" ettersom sykdomsvektorer er en underdel av det biologiske mangfoldet[1].
[1] AR6 WG2 TS.B.1.1 s11 // AR6 WG2 FAQ 2.2 s21
2Other possible causes
The Vectors of disease card is generally linked to the Terrestrial Biodiversity card because disease vectors are a sub-part of biodiversity, but it can also be linked to the same causes as the biodiversity card, i.e. Disruption of the Water Cycle and Rising Air Temperatures.
The vectors of disease card is generally linked to the Terrestrial Biodiversity card because disease vectors are a sub-part of biodiversity, but it can also be linked to the same causes as the biodiversity card, i.e. Disruption of the Water Cycle and Rising Air Temperatures.