20 - De verstoring van de waterkringloop
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De kaart is belangrijk. Het laat zien waarom we eerst over opwarming spraken, en nu over klimaatverandering. Temperatuursverhogingen zijn al problematisch van zichzelf, maar je kunt aan het einde van de Climate Fresk zien dat de verstoring van de watercyclus nog veel meer effecten heeft.
1Other possible cause
2Other possible consequences
It's a bit technical, but the blue part of the map of Antarctica on card 19 represents a gain in mass due to an increase of precipitations. The red part represents a loss in mass. In total, Antarctica is losing mass.
1Wrong cause
The melting of the Arctic ice pack, but also the melting of Greenland's glaciers may lead, in the distant future, to a disruption of the thermohaline circulation (which gives rise to the Gulf Stream). But beware, the "Water Cycle" card does not refer at all to the thermohaline circulation.