1 - Mänskliga aktiviteter
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Det är här det börjar... Det är också här den 6:e IPCC-rapporten börjar. I förordet kan man läsa att: "the IPCC is now 95 percent certain that human beings are the main cause of current global warming" ("enligt IPCC är det otvetydigt att mänskliga aktiviteter har orsakat global uppvärmning")[1]. Klimatmodeller uppskattar mänskligt påverkan till ... 100 % (mellan 90 % och 110 %)[2]. Kortet kan antingen betraktas som orsaken till alla kort som berör den ekonomiska sektorn (industri, användning av byggnader, transporter, jordbruk) eller som en titel för dessa kort (som sedan grupperas tillsammans).
2Andra möjliga orsaker
It's the final loop of the Club of Rome. All this will eventually regulate itself, but not necessarily peacefully. The players often make this link and sometimes propose to roll up the Fresk to connect the beginning and ending edges. Moreover, it is noteworthy that humankind appears in the first and last cards, but not in the middle of the Fresk.
What comes first? Do human activities cause the use of fossil fuels or do fossil fuels ensable human activities? Don't waste time on this and group the two cards together if necessary. Plenty of activities, happily, do not require burning fossil fuels, like windmills and watermills grinding grains for flour.
3Andra möjliga konsekvenser
Humans occupy almost all available space on Earth, leaving no room for animals and plants. This entails the disappearance of natural habitats and it is the main cause of biodiversity loss today, well ahead of climate change.
With this link, we highlight all the degradations that humans are inflicting on marine life such as plastic pollution and overfishing. It's irrelevant to climate change, but it's interesting to make the connection anyway.