24 - Acidificación del océano

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Ocean acidification is sometimes referred to as "the other carbon problem". It is not strictly speaking a consequence of climate change, but another consequence of CO2 emissions.


Acidificación del océano

The word "Ocean" is written on both sides.


Problemas de calcificación

Acidificación del océano

Causas incorrectas

Acidificación del océano

Players often identify CO2 concentration as a cause for ocean acidification. But it is more logical to link back to carbon sinks.

Acidificación del océano

The increase of water temperature is not linked to ocean acidification, at least for the time being. In the long term (over several centuries), as it heats up, the water will lose its capacity to dissolve atmospheric CO2 and will become less efficient as a carbon sink. So the increase in water temperature will inhibit, to some extent, ocean acidification.

Acidificación del océano

Las emisiones de CO2 que van al océano lo acidifican. También podemos hacer que la flecha de esta relación salga de la carta de sumideros de carbono.
SOURCES: AR6 WG1 Box TS.5 p48 // AR5 WG1 Figura 6.8 p503 // AR6 WG1 Figura RRP.7 (pozos y escenarios) p20