2 - Industria
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This is the manufacturing of all consumer goods. Industry is comprised of many different sectors, the most prominent in terms of GHG emissions being the paper, cement, steel, aluminium and chemicals industries. In order to reduce emissions from industry, the solution lies in extending the lifespan of products and reducing consumption.
1Otra causa posible
Las energías fósiles permiten que las actividades humanas existan tal como las conocemos actualmente. En general en el mural, se coloca la carta de los combustibles fósiles después de las actividades humanas. Además, la carta muestra las emisiones de CO2 relacionadas con el uso de los combustibles fósiles.
2Otras consecuencias posibles
This link is possible for wood-consuming industries. However, wood used by a factory in a sustainably managed forest would not be considered as deforestation.