3 - Uso de los edificios

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We consider here buildings' usage, not their construction (which is included in the card on Industry). This includes heating, air-conditioning, lighting, electronics, etc. The big topic in Europe and the US is the thermal insulation of buildings. As far as new construction is concerned, it is vital to build well-insulated buildings. However, the stakes are limited as the standards for new buildings are much higher than in the past and only a small proportion (1%) of buildings are constructed each year. The challenge is therefore much more in the thermal renovation of buildings.


Uso de los edificios

El uso de los edificios es una actividad humana


Uso de los edificios

El uso de los edificios utiliza muchos combustibles fósiles, para la producción de la electricidad y para la calefacción. SOURCES: AR6 WG3 Figura 6.1 p630 (p617)

Otra causa posible

Uso de los edificios

Las energías fósiles permiten que las actividades humanas existan tal como las conocemos actualmente. En general en el mural, se coloca la carta de los combustibles fósiles después de las actividades humanas. Además, la carta muestra las emisiones de CO2 relacionadas con el uso de los combustibles fósiles.

Otras consecuencias posibles

Uso de los edificios

Buildings emit few aerosols directly. The only significant emissions are chimney fires. In Chamonix, 85% of the fine particles present in the atmosphere come from wood heating.

Uso de los edificios

Soil artificialisation is also responsible for flooding because the soil is no longer able to absorb rain water.

Uso de los edificios

It can be said that heating buildings with wood is in part responsible for deforestation, but it is not significant. Neither is building a major cause of deforestation. Agriculture is the main cause of deforestation, way in front of buildings and their usage.