4 - Transporte

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15% is not much, but it varies a lot depending on the country and lifestyle. In Western countries, the share of transportation, especially air travel, can account for a significant part of people's carbon footprint. If you take one or more long haul flights a year, that's the bulk of your carbon footprint.



El transporte es una actividad humana.


Combustibles fósiles


El sector del transporte depende principalmente del petroleo, la mayoría de transportes utilizan combustibles fósiles.

Otra causa posible

Combustibles fósiles


Las energías fósiles permiten que las actividades humanas existan tal como las conocemos actualmente. En general en el mural, se coloca la carta de los combustibles fósiles después de las actividades humanas. Además, la carta muestra las emisiones de CO2 relacionadas con el uso de los combustibles fósiles.

Otras consecuencias posibles


Local pollution due to exhausts pipes is one of the main motivations to promote electric cars, far more than climate change. But EV are responsible for CO2 emissions due to power generation. These emissions depend a lot on the country where the car is rolling. See the file about it.


Road construction sometimes requires deforestation, but the one-dimensional aspect of the road makes it almost negligible compared to deforestation linked to agriculture.