18 - Deshielo de la banquisa

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For a further explanation of why melting sea ice does not raise de sea level, Archimedes and all that, see the explanation page. For some great graphics that illustrate Earth's ice loss, check out this article from ESA.


Deshielo de la banquisa

Otras consecuencias posibles

Deshielo de la banquisa

When the ice pack melts, a white surface is replaced by a dark blue surface, which has a lower albedo and therefore absorbs more energy. This relationship is not essential but it does allow another feedback loop of the game to be put forward.

Deshielo de la banquisa

The poor polar bear is a powerful symbol of the climat. If players make this connection, suggest they draw a bear!

Deshielo de la banquisa

There's probably some sort of link here...

Consecuencias incorrectas

Deshielo de la banquisa

Atención a esta relación que puede crear confusión. El hielo marino blanco que se derrite da lugar a una superficie mucho más oscura y la energía absorbida calienta la tierra. Este meacanismo se llama albedo y no tiene nada que ver con el efecto invernadero. Hay que clarificar que el albedo afecta las flechas naranjas de la carta 13 y no a las flechas rojas, por lo tanto no va aumentar el efecto invernadero.

Deshielo de la banquisa

The melting of the Arctic ice pack, but also the melting of Greenland's glaciers may lead, in the distant future, to a disruption of the thermohaline circulation (which gives rise to the Gulf Stream). But beware, the "Water Cycle" card does not refer at all to the thermohaline circulation.

Deshielo de la banquisa

This it the trap in which participants can fall while playing with cards set n1. Therefore, do not ask them to read the cards from the beginning. Once they have put them in place, ask them to read the texts.