11 - Concentratie van CO2 (ppm)

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Sinds 1958 worden CO2-metingen gedaan op Big Island in Hawaii, op de flanken van de Mauna Loa-vulkaan. Dit is geïnitieerd door Charles Keeling. In het blauwe scenario (2°C) stijgen de CO2-emissies tot 2040-2050. Daarna dalen de emissies zoveel dat de natuurlijke reservoirs ze niet meer opnemen.



Concentratie van CO2 (ppm)

the card n11 represents the concentration in CO2, understood in the atmosphere (it's written behind the card).


Concentratie van CO2 (ppm)

You can recognize the molecules of the different GHGs on the card 13 : H2O (red and white), CO2 (grey and red), CH4 (grey and white), nitrious (blue and red).

Wrong cause

Concentratie van CO2 (ppm)

Why not, but better link card 12 (Carbon sinks) to card 11. Card 12 is meant for that.

Wrong consequences


Concentratie van CO2 (ppm)

It can be argued that CO2 emissions take place before reaching carbon sinks. But the opposite link has our preference.

Concentratie van CO2 (ppm)

Players often identify CO2 concentration as a cause for ocean acidification. But it is more logical to link back to carbon sinks.