14 - Energibudget
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I figuren visas, uppifrån och ner, i olika färger: i ljusblått, det övre lagret av havet, mellan 0 och 700m djup. I mörkare blått, det nedre lagret av havet, mellan 700m och 2000m. I mycket mörkblått, det nedersta lagret av havet, under 2000m. I grått, de olika isarna. I orange, marken (utan is). I lila, atmosfären. Den streckade linjen representerar helt enkelt totala mängden energi. Den vertikala skalan är i zetta-joule (10^21 joule)[1].
AR6 WG1 Figure TS.13 (e) (drivning) s58 ↩︎
The text behind card n14 allows no ambiguity. Therefore the 2 cards have to be skipped together or not at all.
1Annan möjlig konsekvens
1Fel orsak
The idea here is not to say there is no link between these two cards, but to make sure they are not mixed up. The carbon sinks card tells us where the carbon goes. The energy budget card tells us where the excess energy goes. Both distribute something, but not the same thing. To make it even more confusing, the atmosphere and the ocean are present in both.